Ray Wilkin

Renshi - 7th Dan


Andy Collins

Sensei - 3rd Dan

Sensei Andy Collins – 3rd Dan Sensei Andy took his first training session in 1982 whilst he was an apprentice at Duple Coachbuilders. He was introduced to Karate by one his colleagues and started practicing under the Karate Union Great

Henry Tonks

Sensei - 2nd Dan


Steve Burgees
Steve Burgess

Sensei - 2nd Dan

Sensei Steve Burgess – 2nd Dan After years of putting it off and life just generally getting in the way, Sensei Steve decided to make the commitment and attended his first training session in 2009. Sensei Steve initially found Karate

Chris Wilson

Sensei - 2nd Dan

Sensei Chris Wilson– 2nd Dan Sensei Chris began his training under a different association during his teenage years where he acheived his 3rd Kyu ( brown belt ). Due to pressures of school exams he decided to pause training to

Sheila Geelan

Sensei - 1st Dan

Sensei Sheila Geelan – 1st Dan Began training in 2015 at 50 years of age. Sensei Sheila’s son learned Karate at school with Renshi Ray and after seeing him compete and noticing other adults taking part she decided to give

Shaun Machin

Sensei - 1st Dan

Sensei Shaun Machin– 1st Dan Being inspired by the martial arts films he used to watch growing up, Sensei Shaun had always wanted to try it for himself. Like many others, life got in the way and he never had